What We Do

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, :20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mat 28:19-20)

The Church as an organization is defined as Christians who gather to rally around the written Word and the Sacraments under the oversight of godly leaders. The Church as an organism is the same body, which then goes out into every walks of life bearing witness to the world of the transforming power of the Kingdom of God. The church as an organization fires up the power of the church as an organism (such as a missionary agency) to emit and transmit the life-changing message of the gospel in the market place (which include communities, churches, political arena, in the economic, educational, and health institutions, and other professions), which are found within the cities, nations and the world as a whole. This missional mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ is what encapsulates the Mission of Great Impact Ministries, Inc.

We therefore go and we send those who are called to go around the world, first to preach Christ-center gospel of God and to engage in active community development programs for wholesome transformation of the community they are serving. We provide resources and teaching materials to help the local church leaders and believers around the world, and we raise the awareness of the needs of such churches here in the United States for overseas mission support. 

Global evangelization leads to global redemption and this redemption is not just progressive and restorative; it is also comprehensive. Hence at the core of our gospel message is the need to contextualize the gospel of grace for the host nations and their communities, and to integrate this with key community development programs such as school building, clean water supplies, basic agricultural farming and animal husbandry, collaborative medical missions, basic hygiene, etc. so as to bring about a wholesome community-cultural transformation towards the original creational purpose.

We also advance the course of Great Commission by providing key critical services to missionaries around the world: raising funds, funds’ transmission and pledge tracking; mobilizing prayer support and support development; monthly mailings, list maintenance, and donor relations.